Use "jehu|jehus" in a sentence

1. 15 Jehu was a decisive man.

2. A Baby Jehu accommodated two

3. Then Jehu went to Jezebel’s palace.

4. JEHU was a champion of pure worship.

5. 14 Jehu took action to end Baal worship in Israel.

6. Jehu received a commission when the nation of Israel was in a bad state.

7. However, the anointing of Jehu remained for Elijah’s successor Elisha actually to perform.

8. The Assyrian king’s claim regarding the tribute Jehu supposedly paid cannot be corroborated.

9. Concerning these, Jehu took decisive action to show his “toleration of no rivalry toward Jehovah.”

10. After Jehu, all the kings who rule Israel do what is bad in Jehovah’s eyes.

11. Without wasting words, Jehu commanded the court officials to throw Jezebel down from the window.

12. Next, Jehu set himself to the task of clearing out Baal worship from his realm.

13. (Revelation 2:18-23) By the time Jehu reached Jezreel, she had tried to make herself attractive.

14. He rode out of the city to ask if Jehu had come on a mission of peace.

15. 8 Jehu had a reputation for driving his chariot furiously—an evidence of his zeal to accomplish his task.

16. So did Jehu, Judas, Demas, Henry IV of France, once Bonus orbi, afterwards Orbus boni, as one wittily Anagrammatised his name Borbonius

17. The final accounting with the house of Ahab was at the hands of Jehu, whom Jehovah anointed for this work of execution.

18. When judgment was executed against Jehoram, Jehu remembered Jehovah’s pronouncement that it was on account of “the blood of Naboth and the blood of his sons.”

19. Then, before King Jehoram could flee, Jehu drew his bow and killed Jehoram with an arrow that pierced his heart. —2 Kings 9:20-24.

20. The prophet Jehu said regarding him: “There are good things that have been found with you, because you have . . . prepared your heart to search for the true God.”

21. Jehu piled their heads in two great heaps at Jezreel’s city gate, after which he struck down other leading men and priests involved in Ahab’s apostate reign. —2 Kings 10:6-11.

22. 27 They went back and told Jehu, who said, 'This is the word of the Lord that he spoke through his servant Elijah the Tishbite: On the plot of ground at Jezreel dogs will devour Jezebel's flesh.